Planning Guide
Every great design begins with a great plan. Whether you’re starting a remodel project or creating an entirely new space, success will depend largely on quality preparation. Before our first scheduled meeting (initial consultation), please dedicate some time to completing this Planning Guide as much as possible.
You should plan on 1-2 hours for this first meeting. We will give you a tour of our showroom, tell you about our cabinetry, and go over some construction details. Also, we will review all of the information in this Planning Guide, and ask questions about you and your household. We will discuss schedule, and what your timeline is. (Note: always budget some extra time for the unexpected.) By the end, we should have enough information to prepare a preliminary Proposal for you. We will email you the Proposal. Once you review the Proposal, and want to move forward, we will set a second showroom meeting to sign Proposal, procure deposit, and discuss drawings and more detail. If more meetings are required, we will schedule as needed.
This starts with a site visit, which we will schedule upon notification from the Chief decision maker (homeowner, contractor, or designer- see Roles below.) We will take accurate measurements and look at mechanical systems and structural elements that could affect the design. All this information will be combined with our previous notes to allow us to revise and finalize your design.
We will rely on the Chief decision maker (homeowner, contractor, or designer – see Roles below), to let us know when project is ready for installation. This phase of the project cannot happen until ALL details are confirmed and signed off, on.